Category Archives: Emergency Preparedness
6 Weird But Useful Survival Uses for Drinking Straws
I am truly blown away that there are so many survival uses for straws. Seriously, I thought these little plastic tubes were only worthy of blowing bubbles in a soda or sipping on some cold iced tea in the summertime. However, it turns out that drinking straws are actually very useful – so useful, in… Read More
11 Incredible Survival Uses For Mason Jars
There’s no way around it – we preppers sure do love our mason jars. And why wouldn’t we? These little glass marvels are some of the cheapest, most versatile survival tools on God’s green earth. Mason jars are excellent for storing small items (that you might lose otherwise), and are perfect for canning and preserving survival food…. Read More
10 Powerless Tools You’ll Need For EMP Survival
EMP Survival is one of the most important emergencies to prepare for. Why? Because this catastrophic event has the potential to fry out every electronic device you have containing a circuit board, transformer, computer or microchip. That means vehicles, cell phones, tablets, computers, and even LED flashlights will be rendered useless during an EMP. Note: There… Read More
Emergency Signals For When SHTF
Knowing a variety of emergency signals is crucial to your survival in an SHTF situation. Unfortunately, many preppers either forget about this or don’t believe it will happen to them, which means that they don’t have the knowledge that could have easily saved their life (and the lives of others) in an emergency. These emergency… Read More
14+ Signs That You Might Be A Prepper
You may THINK you’re a prepper…but can you prove it? Truth is, there are lots of people out there claiming that they’re the real deal when it comes to prepping.…but many times these people don’t actually know the first thing about stocking up. Luckily, we’ve got a way to tell the real preppers from the… Read More
Thanksgiving is finally here, and that means it’s time to start talking about all the different survival uses for turkey! Let’s face it – our tendency in America is to cook WAY too much Thanksgiving turkey – ultimately leading to LOTS of leftovers. Thankfully, you can use all this extra food to your advantage; you’ll be… Read More
33 Unexpected Places To Hide A Gun
You’re going to need to get crafty when it comes to protecting your assets in a crisis, and that means sure as shootin’ you’re going to have to find some unexpected places to hide a gun. You can bet in an emergency when push comes to shove, officials are going to be coming onto your property… Read More
The Best & Worst Bug Out States
Most preppers have a bug out plan in place for when SHTF. And they think that is is enough to survive after the big one hits. However, I have some bad news for those preppers – if they don’t live in a really good bug out state, it won’t matter how awesome their bug out… Read More
Sure, most of us know the meaning of acronyms like SHTF and TEOTWAWKI…but knowing those words alone doesn’t mean you can speak prepper. Why does knowing this secret language matter? Because when the world goes to hell in a handbasket, you’re going to need to know this prepper lingo in order to be able to… Read More
40 Survival Tools to Stockpile Before Christmas
The weather’s getting colder, the drinks are getting warmer, and it’s time to discuss the 40 survival items to stockpile before Christmas! I think we can all agree that this month’s election has put us all on edge; and, especially if the wrong person is elected, it’s incredibly likely we’ll need these survival items BEFORE… Read More