Tag Archives: shtf
So you made it through the storm. The power is out, a few trees are down, maybe there are a few feet of water in your street. But you’re alive, there’s a roof over your head, and no immediate danger. What now? What to do in the aftermath of a disaster isn’t usually talked about… Read More
Bartering Basics: How to Trade Goods After SHTF
No matter how well prepared you are, if a crisis goes on long enough, you’ll eventually run out of something…whether that’s food, water, medicine, or something else. When this happens, you’ll need to find some way to get more supplies. But after SHTF, you won’t be able to get them through normal means, such as… Read More
7 Things You Should Do Before SHTF
Preparing for when SHTF is a never-ending process. Even the most prepared people in the world can still improve their survival plans a little bit. Picking up a few new survival skills is always a good idea, and if you do it consistently, you’ll be much more prepared for when a crisis eventually happens. This… Read More
Anyone who wants to be prepared for when SHTF needs to address this question: should you bug in or bug out when SHTF? There’s no easy answer to this question because it depends on your circumstances and the nature and severity of the SHTF scenario. Rather than give you a single answer that might not… Read More
What If SHTF While You’re Away from Home?
It’s common for people today to travel, either for work or for pleasure. But the downside to traveling is that you can’t take all your preps with you. And depending on the reason for your trip, you might not have your family with you either. Some people consider travel the worst time for a SHTF… Read More
How to Keep a Low Profile When SHTF
There’s going to be mass chaos when SHTF. People are going to be desperate, and they’ll go to any extreme to save themselves…even if that means attacking you or your loved ones. Even people who were friendly and honest during civilized life won’t hesitate to turn on you if it means they’ll survive. If you… Read More
5 Forms Of SHTF Money When Cash Is Useless
In a SHTF situation, standard money might suddenly become worthless. When that happens, bartering takes over as a means of commerce. PM’s Precious Metals (PM’s), especially in the form of pre-1965 US silver and gold coins, have a standard value that usually can be agreed upon even when there is no official banking… Read More