Category Archives: Emergency Preparedness
19 Amazing T-Shirt Uses For An SHTF Scenario
T-shirts are an incredibly common and versatile clothing item – that’s probably why there’s so many t-shirt uses people have come up with for an SHTF scenario. Think about it – these pieces of fabric are masters at versatility. Their soft cotton feel, stretchiness, and ability to be cut and stripped down makes them a perfect multi-use… Read More
16 Homeless Survival Tips For How To Survive On The Streets
Now I’m sure that we can agree that most of us wouldn’t CHOOSE to be homeless; however, there are a surprising amount of homeless survival tips out there for how to survive on the streets. This information will be crucial once SHTF, or if you do find yourself homeless one day due to natural disaster, financial… Read More
Do You Believe These 15 Survival Myths?
It seems like tons of preppers have bought into at least one of the many survival myths out there. Now I’m not saying it’s there fault; the fact is word gets around about a way to survive in a crisis, and – even if it’s wrong – many people buy into it. The problem is if… Read More
Who wants to bug out on a boat? Honestly, not many people even know it’s an option honestly When I talk to most preppers, almost all of them think alike when it comes to SHTF survival. That’s not because they’re incapable of thinking for themselves. It’s just that almost all of them are land-lubbers whose… Read More
14+ Simple But Useful Survival Uses For Plastic Grocery Bags
You may figure the only real uses for plastic grocery bags is for carrying your produce and canned goods to your car (and perhaps for picking up dog poop). However, there are FAR more uses for these cheap plastic bags besides just that – especially if you’re in a survival situation. When SHTF you need stock up on… Read More
The World Without Oil: Survival Skills We’ll Need
Many people have no idea how much oil affects our lives, and thus they have no idea what it would look like to live in a world without oil. This is a dangerous thought, because our country – as well as many others – have become completely dependent on oil and all of the resources we’ve… Read More
16 Amazing Survival Uses For Plastic Milk Jugs
If you’re anything like me, you go through gallons of milk every week (especially if you have kids) and toss the plastic milk jugs in the recycling bin. However, you may not realize that these plastic milk jugs actually have a TON of valuable uses in a survival situation! The best part is that a lot… Read More
I think we all know one of the main rice uses for survival…and that’s for food. And why wouldn’t we eat it!? This delicious grain is chock-full of carbs and minerals, giving us the valuable energy we need to survive. Not to mention it’s dirt cheap! No wonder rice is a food staple in so many… Read More
Are You Living In A Free State? (All 50 Ranked)
I have to ask you a question…are you sure you’re living in a free state? Now don’t get me wrong – I firmly believe we are blessed to live in the United States of America, where we are free to express our thoughts, make our own decisions and even celebrate holidays (like this one today)…. Read More
How To Cure A Toothache Naturally
Toothaches can be one of the most painful things imaginable; and, if you don’t know how to cure a toothache next time an emergency hits, you’ll be in a world of hurt (literally). However, contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a lot of fancy medications (or even a dentist if things get really bad) in… Read More