Tag Archives: homesteading
Why Preppers Should Raise Ducks for Survival
Many preppers plan on having a garden and growing crops when SHTF…but what about a reliable source of meat? For those who are interested in raising animals, you might be wondering which animal you should raise. While there’s no one “right” answer to this question, ducks are generally considered one of the easiest animals to… Read More
5 Simple Ways Anyone Can Earn a Living Off-Grid With a Garden
One of the biggest reasons more preppers don’t transition to homesteading is that they don’t have a way to earn a living while being off-grid. Homesteading usually means living in a rural area, which means many people can’t keep their normal jobs. That’s why I wrote this blog post showing you 5 simple ways anyone… Read More
The Best States for Off-Grid Homesteading
Not every state is friendly towards homesteaders, which can make going off-grid even more difficult than it already is. You’ll have a much easier time if you homestead in a state that has favorable laws and natural resources for homesteaders. There aren’t any “perfect” states for homesteaders because every state government wants to dictate how… Read More
Top 5 Mistakes People Make When Going Off-Grid
Most preppers dream about going off-grid…but it’s not as easy as just buying a homestead and moving in. Many would-be homesteaders jump in but fail because they didn’t think about the situation well enough. I want to help make your off-grid transition a success, and that’s why I’m showing you the top 5 mistakes people… Read More
How Broke People Can Get Land For Cheap
Owning land in a rural area is a great survival asset. It allows you to hunt game, grow natural crops, raise animals, and get away from the unprepared masses in a SHTF scenario. The problem is some preppers don’t think they have enough money to buy land. However, there are a few ways broke people… Read More
When SHTF, you need to consider everything around you as a valuable survival resource. It’s even better if you can find ways to use things that are renewable, such as feathers. Feathers are a renewable natural resource you can find anywhere and are taken for granted in everyday life. However, I’d like to show you… Read More
Homesteading is best described as a lifestyle of self-sufficiency. This lifestyle has continued to gain popularity due to an increase in the survivalist movement, as well as greater exposure through television and media coverage. While “living off the grid” might be appealing to some, the life of a homesteader is not easy and not for… Read More