Category Archives: Emergency Survival
I’m pretty sure we’ve all seen/heard of most of the uses of styrofoam; after all, you’ve got cups/plates, packing peanuts, coolers, general packing material…the list goes on. However, did you know that styrofoam has a lot of surprising survival uses? It’s a great survival tool to have in your bug out bag; not only is it… Read More
Rural vs. Urban Prepping: Which Is Better When SHTF?
Today’s blog post is about rural vs. urban prepping – and though the topic might seem random, you’re about to understand why this is incredibly pertinent information that you need to know right now. These past few weeks have been some of the most stressful, shocking, and tense in our nation. From shootings, to Black Lives Matter,… Read More
5 Reasons Watermelon Is Great For Prepping
This past 4th of July reminded me just how much I love watermelon. So crisp, so juicy, so healthy, and so deliciously full of summer. And then I started pondering how people don’t really think about this delicious fruit until summer hits. Which is a huge shame for me, because if I could, I’d eat the stuff non-stop… Read More
Deciding if you should prep for your pet or not is a huge decision that should be made by each family. It’s also a decision that should not be taken lightly, and should be thought of in advance – not in the heat of an impending crisis. There are various things to consider when deciding… Read More
Hardtack has been a common survival food for many years; after all, Civil War soldiers (as well as the British Navy) used to eat it in order to be sustained on the battlefield or on long voyages. Hardtack is considered to be an ideal survival food due to it being incredibly inexpensive and easy to make, as… Read More
Have you ever thought about the various survival uses for PVC pipe? If you haven’t, I would strongly recommend that you continue reading this article. I’m about to describe to you 11 different ways that you can use PVC pipe effectively in a survival situation. Not only is PVC pipe a valuable and incredibly versatile… Read More
23 Survival Uses For Hard Liquor
I love my job most every day, but I especially love it today…because I get to talk about survival uses for hard liquor. Now before you get all excited, this is NOT a list of 23 ways you can get drunk to forget about the crises occurring outside your door. …I may have lost a few… Read More
As preppers, we prepare for disaster, which often entails learning about new, weird ways to get water in order to survive a crisis. After all, when SHTF, you may not wind up in an area that’s close to a body of water. You also may not end up in a situation where you can depend on your long-term water storage for… Read More
Most preppers have learned how to get water in a survival situation. This plan often involves collecting it from a nearby stream or lake, and then boiling it to make it drinkable. Now don’t get me wrong – that’s a fantastic way to get water. And it’s quite effective. However, what if I told you it… Read More
8 Survival Uses for Powdered Milk
Alright, I’ll be honest…I was super wary of powdered milk for years before I actually started using it for survival. After all, milk is supposed to be liquid, right? Needless to say, I was skeptical. However, I’ve come to realize that it’s actually extremely useful and has tons of uses besides just for drinking. In fact,… Read More