Category Archives: Family Survival
Here are the top-selling survival and outdoor gear items for the year 2021. What a year it has been! This list contains not only the top-selling gear but also the most reviewed by customers with the highest ratings. The Survival Frog team has also tested these items extensively in our own lives. This is the… Read More
Safety at Home – Prepare Your Home for Emergencies
Why should we prepare for emergencies? Should we bother to do so? Indeed, why should we? There are many reasons why we should take a step to prepare for emergencies swiftly. In fact, we should start preparing today. Who knew, for instance, that the Coronavirus would become such a big international emergency. Just a few… Read More
Slow the Spread: DIY Cloth Face Masks
As the coronavirus makes its way across our country, there are steps we should take to help slow the spread and flatten the curve. While we should all be actively practicing social distancing, which means keeping at least 6 feet of distance between yourself and another individual, this isn’t always possible. Because of this, the CDC recommends wearing a cloth face cover when out in… Read More
What If SHTF While You’re Away from Home?
It’s common for people today to travel, either for work or for pleasure. But the downside to traveling is that you can’t take all your preps with you. And depending on the reason for your trip, you might not have your family with you either. Some people consider travel the worst time for a SHTF… Read More
How To Convince Your Family Prepping Isn’t Crazy
Even though prepping is more common today than it was just a short decade ago, it still isn’t a mainstream activity. As a prepper, you’re going to get some weird looks from people and you can expect your views to be challenged a lot. Most of the time you can simply ignore it, but when… Read More
Speak Like A Spook: Spy Languages Anyone Can Learn
Why is it important for preppers to learn about spy languages? Once SHTF, it’s likely that you’ll be relying on a very close group of people (mainly your immediate family) to survive. Communication during an emergency is vital, but you won’t want important information to leave your small group. Because you’ve taken steps to be… Read More
7 Trees Preppers Should Include in Their Survival Garden
When planning out a survival garden, it’s important to think about the kinds of trees you want on your property and how they can come in handy when SHTF. Certain trees can provide food, fuel, shelter, and even medicine for you and your family during an emergency. And even if you don’t intend to grow… Read More
How Preppers Can Harvest Rainwater for Survival
If SHTF and your water supply runs dry, knowing how to harvest rainwater can be an invaluable skill. According to the EPA, the average US citizen uses almost 100 gallons of water per day. Even in a survival situation, each person in your household would still need about 2-4 gallons a day for drinking and… Read More
9 Deadly Diseases That Spread After a Crisis
In the early 1330s, a deadly disease began to spread in Asia. The sickness killed people with such terrifying speed that one observer wrote it was as if victims “…ate lunch with their friends and dinner with their ancestors in paradise.” Even more frightening was how rapidly the disease seemed to jump from one person… Read More
7 Important Things to Remember When Bugging Out Far Away
Even though the topic is frequently discussed in the prepping community, it seems like many people have the wrong idea about bugging out. It’s one thing to work on being prepared for when SHTF, but it’s another story when people start daydreaming about living out their idealized bug out plans. To me, prepping has always… Read More