How to Make The Best of Camping In the Rain

Camping In The Rain

It’s something that can definitely put a damper on your overall camping experience.

It’s not just that the rain makes everything a bit more miserable, it can actually enhance an already dangerous environment, putting you and loved ones in danger.

Which is why if you’re preparing to head out at any point this summer it’s a good idea to prepare for a possible spell of bad weather.

Remember, camping in the rain could possibly result in a series of possible emergency situations.

Things like:

  • Hypothermia
  • Flash floods
  • Slippery ground
  • Getting lost

These and more all distinct possibilities when camping in the rain.

What I’ve done is prepared  a few different tips on how to avoid common pitfalls you might encounter and how you can get around them on your next camping trip.

6 things to think about on your next camping trip

1. Avoid Camping In The Rain: This might sound simplistic, but if you can look at a weather report and see it’s supposed to rain when you’re going to be in the outdoors it might be best to just not go.

Sure, that might be a big let down for you and your family, but given the dangers associated with camping in the rain it might be a good idea.

2. Be Storm Wise:  A sudden storm can produce torrential downpours as well as dangerous lightning. And lightning is one of the most dangerous things to consider when camping in the rain. If you’re in a body of water and lightning strikes, you need to get out ASAP.

Also consider if you’re on high ground. It’s always a good idea to get to low ground so you don’t attract lightning. Another key point to remember is it’s not the best idea to hunker down underneath trees or anything capable of falling on top of you. Lighting and rain can cause those things to break loose, which could harm you or your loved ones.

3. Be Flood Wise: Following up on the notice on storms is being aware of the possibility of floods. If the heavens open up and let loose millions of gallons of water in mere minutes, it could be you’re now exposed to a flash flood.

Ideally you’ll want to remain on low ground, but not in a basin.

Pay attention, if where you’re walking looks like water could quickly come rushing through (looks like an empty creek bed) you might be in a flash flood zone. The object in this case is to move to higher ground, but don’t move to the highest ground possible (to avoid lightning strikes).

4. Wear the Right Equipment: Inclement weather has a way of putting your health in danger in several, unique ways.

If it rains continuously and you can’t get dry you could develop hypothermia. Also, rain can make the surfaces you tread upon far more slippery than they would be if you they were dry.

For these reasons it’s important to have weatherproof equipment. A solid pair of hiking boots and a poncho or rain jacket are absolute must haves. A jacket can keep you dry and boots can help you from slipping. You might even consider a walking stick of some sort to help give you more balance in the great outdoors.

You’ll also want to wear synthetic clothing rather than cotton. Synthetic clothing dries much quicker and can help you stay warm even when it’s wet.

5. Bring Plastic Bags: Plastic bags are invaluable in a camping situation. They’re utility in a rainy mess are even more pronounced. I like carrying a mix of bags. I tend to avoid grocery bags because they’re flimsy, but trash bags and Ziplocs are great.

You can use trash bags to cover your bag and to keep firewood dry. And you can use Ziplocs for electronics and other things you’d like to keep dry.

6. Bring Something to Pass the Time: If you’re stuck in the rain, it might mean you’re even stuck in your tent.

That’s why it’s always a good idea to bring something like a book, or cards to help pass the time. This is especially true if you have children with you on your trip. You can even bring electronic devices provided you have a way to charge them.

One of my favorite devices is the BioLite camp stove.

This stove gives you the ability to charge small electronic devices using nothing more than sticks, grass, and whatever natural fuel you can find.

Click here to learn more about it.

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