Category Archives: Self Defense

  • David Adams Apr 16, 2014

    Survival Tactics And Training – Or Die!

    <h1>Survival Tactics And Training – Or Die!</h1>

    Being able to defend yourself and your home from a threat is something that every person should know how to do. Survival training can mean the difference between life and death, and when you’re prepared to defend yourself you stand a better chance of surviving an attack, an intruder, or any other number of threats…. Read More

  • David Adams Mar 4, 2014

    3 Unusual (But Effective) Self Defense Weapons

    <h1>3 Unusual (But Effective) Self Defense Weapons</h1>

    With the government tightening down on gun ownership, many people fear they will be unable to protect themselves should they no longer be allowed to have one. Prior felons are also concerned since they are largely unable to obtain a firearm license anyway. Here are some alternative self-defense weapons anyone can use that are also… Read More

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